University Settlement
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What We Do

Older Adults: The Senior Center & Services

The Senior Center
Enjoying the Senior Center

Our Senior Center provides a place for older adults to mingle and socialize.

University Settlement's Senior Center is a hub of the community, where older adults can emerge from their isolation to interact with their peers. What makes it unique on the Lower East Side is its bona fide multiculturalism: The Center brings together Europeans representative of the old Lower East Side with a large population of Latinos and a rapidly growing group of Chinese residents. Members of all ethnicities intermingle and socialize, helping to break down cultural isolation.

The Center, open five days a week from 8:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the evening, has 1,000 members. On any given day, more than 150 of them come to share in a nutritious, hot breakfast and lunch, and stimulating classes and activities. They also receive full social service support, and participate in festive events throughout the year. This rich program helps seniors to continue to lead full and independent lives.

Additional Services

At the same time, the Settlement offers targeted services for those who are unable or unwilling to make the trip to the Center. We offer breakfast in the community room of a nearby senior public housing building. We provide escorts to accompany seniors who can't get around on their own and/or need help conducting their business. In addition, we deliver hot meals daily to 75 homebound seniors, giving us a chance to check in with them and find out how they are, and whether they need additional assistance.

  • For information about the Older Adults Program please call (212) 473-8217.

184 Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002  •  Phone (212) 674-9120